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Logic Model
Teachers are trained to set up and oversee 3 stations in each classroom: TASTE; LAB; COOK!
Implementation of 3 stations in each classroom.
Teachers receive training and templates for newsletters and monthly virtual family cooking classes.
Teachers write and send newsletters to parents including info for virtual family cooking classes.
Administrators sets up communication system among teachers, gardeners, and cafeteria staff.
Messaging and reinforcement of classroom lessons implemented in cafeteria and throughout school.
100% participation among students, each spending 20 minutes a day at one of three stations.
Students are exposed to a new way of tasting, preparing and understanding food.
Students become familiar with new foods, able to discuss, name and explain foods.
Students become food literate, broaden their palates, and are less picky. Students’ diets include all macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
30% of parents contact teachers; 65% participation in family cooking classes.
Parents involve children in shopping and menu planning; families cook meals together at home.
More vegetables, fruits, and nutrient-dense foods served at home. Families cook together weekly.
Students and their families eat regular, healthy, balanced meals. Students develop stronger immune responses and absences due to illness decrease.
65% of students choose FoodLab foods in cafeteria. Plant food waste significantly decreases.
Students show heightened awareness in cafeteria, tending to choose healthier options.
Students consistently make healthy choices, measurably increasing fruit and vegetable intake.
Students adopt healthy eating habits. Students’ diets become more nutrient-dense and vitamin- and mineral-rich, boosting their immune responses.
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