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FoodLab Afterschool

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What is FoodLab Afterschool?

FoodLab Afterschool is a cooking and nutrition education program in which three stations are set up in the classroom, and each student spends about 20 minutes at each one. FoodLab© includes tasting, cooking, and food science. Students TASTE 4 to 5 varieties of a seasonal food (like apples), noting their preferences on an age-appropriate tasting sheet. At the COOK station, students prepare a snack, like pita pockets or nori rolls. At the LAB station students perform an age-appropriate lab experiment using food to investigate principles of chemistry, botany, physics, mathematics, or biology. There will be a FoodLab team educator at each station.  Enrollment is generally limited to 15 students. The program can be adapted to fit the needs of each unique academic environment. We will work with you to maximize the impact and success of the program.  


FoodLab Club Registration Winter-Spring '24

PreK/Kindergarten: 11  Mondays    Cost: $605.

1st and 2nd Grade: 13 Wednesdays   Cost: $715.


Payment: Venmo (@Nancy-Wolfson-1) or zelle (


Please complete this form and email it to


Student’s Name _____________________________________

Grade/class  _________________________  Date of Birth ___________

Parent/Legal Guardian __________________________________________

Mobile phone ___________________________________________

Parent/Guardian email __________________________________________


Does student have any food allergies or sensitivities _______________

If yes, please describe in detail (continue on back) _____________________________________________________________


Does student have an existing medical condition or special needs? 

If yes, please describe (continue on back) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________


Emergency contact information 

Person #1 (Name) _____________________ (Phone #)_________________ Person #2 (Name) ____________________  (Phone #)

Return this form with payment to Nancy Wolfson-Moche


Email to




Please contact Nancy Wolfson-Moche by email or by phone at 917-331-2211





Disclaimer/Liability Agreement

I, the undersignd, am the parent or legal guardian of the child named on this contract and I have the authority to agree to the terms herein. I understand that the safety and well-being of each student is the top priority of Nancy Wolfson-Moche and all employees of you are because you eat. Should Nancy Wolfson-Moche or her employees determine that a child’s behavior is a risk to the safety and well-being of said child and/or other children, Nancy Wolfson-Moche and her employees reserve the right to ask that child to leave the program.


I hereby acknowledge and accept that there is a risk of injury and illness in any physical activity and/or program including particularly the food awareness and cooking programs offered by you are because you eat. These risks may include but are not limited to cuts, falls, burns, choking, allergic reactions and other risks associated with the preparation and consumption of food. I hereby release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless you are because you eat, Nancy Wolfson-Moche and her employees from any and all injuries, illnesses, medical conditions, damages, claims and liabilities resulting from my child’s participation in a program run by you are because you eat.


In the event of an emergency, I authorize you are because you eat and any of its employees to provide and/or consent to emergency medical care involving medical, surgical or dental examination and/or treatment.


Refund Policy: A full pro-rated refund is available until the second session of any period. There will be no refunds after the second session and there will be no refunds for missed classes.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and accept the terms and conditions of this agreement.









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